Friday 3 January 2014

How to maintain leptin production and sensitivity

According to the guys at Bio Trust, the number one hormone for fat burning is leptin, and maintaining healthy levels of leptin, as well as your bodies sensitivity to it are crucial to a successful fat burning regime.

Joel Marion has outlined some tactics that can be used to promote leptin production and maintain high levels. However, it seems to me that using these tactics require a lot of discipline and practice to get right, as you will see.

1. Leptin production

Leptin is produced in accordance with calorie intake, since it is the main fat burning hormone. Therefore, in order to encourage leptin production it is necessary to take in a lot of calories. Obviously, you cannot keep this up every day - if you did you would soon find that you were storing more calories than you are burning. What it does mean is that if you restrict calories as part of a fat reduction regime, leptin levels will naturally decrease. Therefore, incorporating a 'cheat' day say once per week will give a boost to your flagging leptin levels.

2. Leptin maintenance

Clearly, going back to your restricted calorie regime following a cheat will soon lead to decreasing leptin levels in very short order. The problem then comes down to how to maintain leptin levels in between cheat days. According to Joel Marion, this can be accomplished through 'reverse carbohydrate tapering' - adding an extra small amount of carbohydrates each day in between the cheat days.

Joel Marion recommends an extra 20g of carbohydrates each day following a cheat day so that on day one you would have 20g extra, on day two 40g extra, and so on. Obviously this is the part that requires the discipline and practice since it is necessary  to take enough to maintain leptin levels, while ensuring that it is not so much that it contributes to fat storage.

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